Friday, March 21, 2014

When It All Just Feels Right...Go With It

Wow!  My Universe and I are in a serious sync mode right now.  I'm not sure which came first the good juju or me putting it out there, but I'm so very happy it's here!  I was driving home from visiting my loves, folks and friends for a few days in the place of my birth and lots of stuff started wondering through my big 'ol head.  That's what happens when you have three solid hours of alone time with yourself.  It was my Nana's birthday.  She passed six years ago last January.  Though I was totally in the moment on the drive, and noticing the beauty around me on my way back to Maine, I couldn't help but let some random memories pop into my thoughts.  It's funny how an event, song, smell, or random blip in the scheme of life can bring thoughts and memories flooding back to you.  Usually they are good, and yesterday was great!  This hasn't happened in quite some time so I took hold of it and tried to really engage my memory.
I also got to thinking about my uncle who passed last August.  I was lucky enough to see my aunt and one of my cousins this trip, and think that this is what brought about the collage of memories I had of him.  He was a biker, engine kind not pedal, and I was so fortunate to have gone on a few toy runs for charity with him.  There was one in particular that just kept putting a smile on my face.  I remember I got all "biker chicked" out with my black jeans, boots, leather jacket and shades!  Man did I feel cool being his bitch that day!  We had so many laughs, he and I.  It's putting a smile on my face again, right now.  He was a genuine, kind and loving man who would stop what he was doing in a heartbeat to help a person out or to teach you something.  He taught me the value in being humble.  I miss him to the moon and back.

The day my husband proposed to me, and the surrounding weeks leading up to that and following, flowed like it was just yesterday.  What a magical time in my life.  The whole trip, the anticipation leading up to it, the excitement of seeing him after six months and the absolute love we shared when he got down on one knee.  Brought my heart to a standstill just thinking about it again.

Why was I bombarded with these beautiful memories?  Well, at first I thought it was because of those triggers that made me think of them.  But I'm coming to realize that those are the types of memories, of people who have left us and events that have shaped us, that truly influence our present.  Those things are what make us who we are.  Influential people in our lives don't stop influencing us when they leave us, in fact for me, I think they have a larger impact on my life.  Maybe it's because I'm older and wiser, or maybe it's just because I actually acknowledge some of their values a bit more.  Either way, I am blessed to still have them with me.  It's comforting in a warm hug kind of way.  I believe for my Nana and my uncle, it was their way of hugging me and telling me that things are the way it should be right now and to go with it and embrace the life that is opening up for me.

I've had a lot of new people come into my life lately. That happens in the military world pretty often.  What's different this time around is that there is a huge influx of truly lovely people coming into my space.  My OAO calls it my crystally thing.  I call it the power of positive attraction.  I've been working really hard to dig out of the rut I allowed myself to get into over this last year, and I am intentional in many of my thoughts.  My Universe is certainly listening and returning those intentions twofold!  I'm filled with gratitude as those people entering my world are going to teach me something valuable, I feel it.  I truly feel that many of them are lifelong, regardless of age, stage in life, or direction in which they are heading.  I love that about attraction.  I just hope that I can return the favor to them in whatever small way possible.

A funny thing, not so much funny "haha", but funny in an ironic kind of way.  I have three really special people in my life right now who are all at the same place in life.  They don't necessarily know each other, nor do they live near each other, but they have so much in common.  I have told each one of them in the last week or so to start journaling.  What's strange about that is that journaling for me is a type of motivational tool to help me sort out all the crazy in my head.  It helps me to try to come to some sort of conclusion for the way my life is at that particular time, whether good or bad.  Journaling helps me get my thoughts together and figure out what it is I'm supposed to be learning or what I'm supposed to be grateful for at that very moment, and then just go with it.  We can not change the past, but we can influence the future with out thoughts.  Once we get our thoughts on the right track, going with it is the best way to enjoy the scenery.  Even though I'm not in my little island Paradise, I couldn't ask for better scenery.  Keep it coming Universe, I've got more than enough room for wonderful people!
Life's a beach, and then you live on one...

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