Temperance is the one that seems to be the focus of attention in today's society. It's definition is basically, moderation or self restraint in action; self-control. There isn't a day goes by when you don't read about temperance in the news. Obesity, fighting, alcoholism or drug abuse. These are all examples of people lacking temperance. I have to admit, I have a low temperance level right about now. It's very easy to get caught up in the thick of things and overdo one's self. I did it just last evening by having that one drink more than I had planned for (don't judge, I wasn't drunk, per se, but it was one more than acceptable for just a dinner). Based on my self-image right now, I think I've lost a bit more temperance in that department by letting myself get carried away and overindulging in the pupus and bevis!
Prudence is another virtue that is lacking in today's society. Basically, it means using caution with regent to practical matters; discretion; frugality. Sheesh, there's so many ways to touch on this. Let's start with practicality, we want stuff, lots of stuff. Do we reallllllly need that 65 inch flat screen tv? Do we reallllllly need that gargantuan SUV? Do we realllllly need to keep up with the Jone's? NO! I recently took a trip to DC and had toured Mount Veron for the first time. Talk about prudence! While the place was pretty big, it didn't start out that way. George Washington inherited that place and built additions to it over time. Did he really need the space from a personal perspective? No, but he was the darn President and had to entertain. The rest of the farm, however, was basic and no-frills. That's what I'm talking about. While he did put on some airs when it came to impressing foreign dignitaries and mucky-mucks, he did pretty much keep the rest of the sprawling grounds simple. Had to, there were no luxuries like there are today.
People are also lacking prudence when it comes to common respect. Take marriage for instance. The sanctity of marriage is lost in comparison to even thirty or forty years ago. People married back then and it meant something...."till death do us part". No so much any more. Infidelity is by far the worst offense when lacking prudence. The "discretion" of affairs is lost. People just don't care if they get caught any more because divorce is so easy. WHAT??? Why bother getting married to begin with. I don't know about you, but my husband is fully aware that I meant "death" when I said my vows. Now, I do feel like killing him sometimes, but I think that's mutual! Point is, folks, we've lost touch with the virtues in life and essentially abide by the seven deadly sins instead.

Courage is a virtue that I can honestly say I have been excelling at lately. Shoot, I married a Navy Commander! That's courage right there! I moved away from the only place I've ever called "home" to an island at that. While I consider myself to be an outgoing person, I don't think that I meet people, for friendship, very well. I tend to be the one on the outside looking in. When you uproot and move, you can't be like that. I summoned up the courage to step out of my shell to forge new bonds with people, and I've gained some of the best friends a person could ask for.
When it comes to courage, I'm also taking steps outside my comfort zone to do better by my self. I'm getting my mojo back by hitting the gym again and getting more active. I am totally uncomfortable going to a marine gym at 6am when it's filled with thirty-something men all pumped up for the gun show, but, by God, I'm going to do it! After all, what the heck do I care what they think of me?They are too self-absorbed with watching themselves in the mirror than checking out some slightly overweight forty-one year old lady doing lat pull-downs.
Ah yes, I am facing my fears!
The final virtue, one that I've been taking to heart lately as well, is Justice. Here's the deal people, while I do not claim to be perfect by any stretch, I will scream from the rooftops that I am fair! Everyone works hard. Every person is just as good as the next...at least that's what I keep telling myself. So why is it then, that there are those that must cheat? Why is it that there are those that must pull out the moral compass and smash it on the ground just to "one up" or be better? Does that really make them better? Well, I sleep well at night knowing that I don't take advantage of people or situations. I don't put myself above the rest at the expense of friends or colleagues. I don't use who I know to put me ahead of the pack. I can say, that I use the who I know technique when it comes to certain situations. Networking, after all, is an acceptable way to get yourself out there when it comes to jobs, etc. I use my network to better myself, but only myself, and certainly only if I'm qualified.

Sometimes even practicing the best, most ethical form of Justice can put a moral question mark in my heart. My husband and I (and some friends) have recently been at the receiving end of adult bullying. Oh don't worry, it was nothing major, but from the outside looking in, you'd think "what the hell is that guy thinking"? Anyway, because I am a firm believer in what you put out there is what you get in return, I/we decided to put that to the test. Long story short, with some honest intervention (not running to the principal) we thwarted the bullies from attaining a status that they very desperately wanted. While in the end, it greatly benefits us, I was left with a hollow feeling about the whole situation because the bullies are just sad, lonely people with no social skills. Unfortunately for them, they are not curable....
In summary (finallllllly), now that I have taken the time to define and contemplate what exactly virtues are, I think I know how to (and can handle) living within the definitions. From this day forward I will vow to live in moderation, both in possession and ingestion - Temperance. I will vow to practice discretion and frugality with regard to financial expenses and "must haves"; more importantly, I will honor my wedding vows thus, avoiding the need for discretion - Prudence. I will vow to continue to live out of my comfort zone, to face the fears within me and be a better person inside and out - Courage. Lastly, I vow to pay particular attention to the fine balance between selfishness and selflessness and continue to treat people fairly (of course, while still being true to myself and calling people on the carpet if need be) - Justice. It's really very simple, just live your life the way you were brought up, and for Christmas sake, raise your kids the same way!
Life's a beach, and then you live on one...
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